Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rest in Peace Angel Marie Fend

On April 30, 2012 - Angel passed away.  Her wonderful and loving husband called me that afternoon.  I will miss her with my whole being.  She leaves behind two children and her husband.  She served in the US Army and was a successful officer.  God bless her family in this time.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Our Nature Walk.....

Today my son and I went on a nature walk behind the house.  We had so much fun for a few hours.  Here are a few pictures from our adventure!!!!

Walking to the lake....follow the gravel road!
 The first stream we came to.....

Isaiah showing me where we should throw rocks.....

Me and the, we had a blast!!!!

A "wabbit" we saw.....

Isaiah in front of the lake!
I could not for the life of me get this picture to post rotated, but it is Isaiah looking at the bunny rabbit......(yes, Isaiah has a big head!!)

Mrs. Duck guarding her eggs!!!

The reflection of the clouds on the lake....

The island in the middle of the lake....

Isaiah playing by the lake....

Isaiah leading the way!  Hooah!

Chasing a butterfly.....

Isaiah....with a stick!  He wrote letters in the gravel to and from the lake! 

Yes, I was there too!  I'm still not used to my short hair.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Fun With Isaiah

Isaiah's learning to play the Wii.  He can kick your butt in a game of bowling.  :-)

Shocked!!!  Mommy won!!!!

Having soooo much fun!!!!

Eating Chocolate Yogurt and playing with his Leap Pad!!!  He *loves* his pet doggy on it!

Taking time to smell the flowers....  (or a pose....)

Isn't he just soooo cute?!

Petting the horses down the street!

"Nice Horsey!  My name's Isaiah, what's yours?"

Great job, Isaiah!!!

Soooooo uber upset that I did his hair!!!  He did not talk to me for almost an hour!!!

Sitting in the office at EWM!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Depression is a Bitch

There is a stigma about mental health.  If you are depressed, people want to stay away from you and there MUST be something wrong with you.  In 2009, there was an estimated 40 million Americans diagnosed with depression.  That is one in twenty.  1 in 20!!!  This is a prevalent disease that affects so many of us and we, the depressed are "normal" and should not be ashamed.

What are the signs of depression?  Feelings of emptiness, extreme sadness - more than the blues that are temporary, you can't sleep or sleep too much, you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult, you can’t control your negative thoughts, no matter how much you try, you have lost your appetite or you can’t stop eating, you are much more irritable, short-tempered, or aggressive than usual, you’re consuming more alcohol than normal or engaging in other reckless behavior, you have thoughts that life is not worth living (Seek help immediately if this is the case)

There are therapists you can talk to, loved ones, there is medication....I have found that it takes a while to figure out which medication works best for you, and there are some side effects of the wrong medications for you.  I was on Neurontin for depression and for my seizures.  I started thinking these really bad thoughts that eventually progressed into suicidal thoughts.  I spoke to my doctor, and in order to get off of the medication, which they didn't know it was causing my suicidal thoughts, you have to be monitored.  So I was admitted into the mental hospital.  I had a HORRIBLE experience there, and I will never go to Metroplex Hospital in Killeen, TX again for mental health needs.  If you know me, you know that I have some trauma in my past.  I eventually got off of Neurontin, and then was put on Geodon.  If you are a Blue October fan, you know what that medication did to Justin.  I was a total zombie, and eventually was seeing my face as something I couldn't look at and stopped the medication on my own - I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING THAT, ASK YOUR DOCTOR!!!

In the end, I found out that I'm okay, there are a lot of depressed people out there, there are a lot of people with if you are struggling - know that you are not alone and there is help.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A long day......

So, I've been very tired since the accident and in a lot of pain. I wouln't list everything that hurts because you'll get bored! I went to the doctor today and the bleeding on my brain has gone to one location giving me the effect of this massive "pressure" headache! I go in tomorrow for a LP to see what my brain pressure is. I *hate* LP's!!!

I spoke with Isaiah tonite and he told me the numbers of 20 busses he sees at school! Then he tried to spell the numbers, Nd says the word "space" between the numbers he 'spelled' to me. It's so cute. I love him so much, June can't come soon enough!!!

Thanks to my roomies for taking care of me!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3:17 AM

So, it's 3:17 AM and I am awake. Booooo!!! My neck pain woke me up and it truly is uncomfortable. :( I'm texting with my "blanket of comfort" so that makes me feel better. In 6 hours, I have a doctor appointment. I hope he can do something with the pain!!

I hope you are sleeping well my friends!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday fun!

This morning I am spending time with my "brother" playing 100-pin bowling and 10-pin bowling on the Wii, and througly enjoying it!

Here's the non-sexy picture of me......

Ricky!!  He's the best friend to play bowling with!!!


Happy Birthday Trebor!!!  We went to Applebee's for dinner and just had fun with the family.  I love you Trebor!!